Everkeep (Extreme)
- LV100
- IL690
- Party8

In his blind pursuit to surpass his father, the Resilient Son lost his way, and set foot upon a path that distanced him from friends, comrades, and loved ones. At the end was naught but a twisted throne, before which Zoraal Ja consumed the souls of his own people in a bid to fulfill his hollow ambitions. Was it the pride of a king that consumed his heart in these final moments, or was his conscience weighed down by all he had done? The sorrowful notes of the wandering minstrel's song weave a thread of tragedy through the tale of the First Promise, and your heart grows heavier with each mournful chord. Memories of the encounter soon come flooding back, visions of a harrowing battle playing once again in your mind's eye.
Reward Items
Triple Triad Card
Orchestrion Roll