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Consumables > Medicine
[FF14 / FFXIV] The Database of the items - Antidote (Category : Consumables > Medicine). How to get, Way to use, Where to gathering, Where to buy, Whitch mobs drop, or something.


Consumables [Medicine]
Crest Dresser Armoire
Recast Time
Shop Price: 39 Gil
Sells: 1 Gil (NQ) [Market Permited]
This alchemically crafted restorative instantly cures most instances of poison.
iconBlue LilyLimsa Lominsa Lower Decks [X:8.4 Y:11.8] iconMerchant & MenderMiddle La Noscea [X:25.5 Y:17.3] iconMerchant & MenderLower La Noscea [X:32.5 Y:20.4] iconMerchant & MenderLower La Noscea [X:25.5 Y:35.0] iconMerchant & MenderLower La Noscea [X:21.4 Y:38.7] iconMerchant & MenderEastern La Noscea [X:30.6 Y:31.2] iconMerchant & MenderEastern La Noscea [X:20.7 Y:20.6] iconMerchant & MenderWestern La Noscea [X:34.8 Y:31.3] iconMerchant & MenderWestern La Noscea [X:26.2 Y:26.1] iconMerchant & MenderWestern La Noscea [X:22.5 Y:22.7] iconJunkmongerUpper La Noscea [X:14.8 Y:24.2] iconMerchant & MenderUpper La Noscea [X:30.0 Y:23.7] iconJunkmongerUpper La Noscea [X:26.1 Y:26.4] iconMerchant & MenderOuter La Noscea [X:19.4 Y:17.4] iconAlbgastOld Gridania [X:14.6 Y:8.8] iconMerchant & MenderCentral Shroud [X:21.8 Y:21.1] iconMerchant & MenderCentral Shroud [X:23.1 Y:19.4] iconMerchant & MenderCentral Shroud [X:24.9 Y:27.8] iconMerchant & MenderEast Shroud [X:17.2 Y:27.4] iconMerchant & MenderEast Shroud [X:9.8 Y:23.5] iconEncampment Clothier & TailorEast Shroud [X:21.8 Y:25.8] iconMerchant & MenderEast Shroud [X:11.8 Y:25.5] iconArms Supplier & MenderSouth Shroud [X:18.2 Y:19.9] iconMerchant & MenderSouth Shroud [X:17.1 Y:28.8] iconArms SupplierSouth Shroud [X:25.5 Y:20.1] iconTool Supplier & MenderNorth Shroud [X:29.9 Y:18.9] iconMerchant & MenderNorth Shroud [X:28.1 Y:28.1] iconMerchant & MenderNorth Shroud [X:21.6 Y:25.8] iconRarakiyaUl'dah - Steps of Thal [X:13.8 Y:9.7] iconMerchant & MenderWestern Thanalan [X:25.6 Y:24.1] iconMerchant & MenderWestern Thanalan [X:22.3 Y:16.1] iconMerchant & MenderWestern Thanalan [X:12.1 Y:13.8] iconMerchant & MenderWestern Thanalan [X:15.1 Y:29.3] iconMerchant & MenderWestern Thanalan [X:15.3 Y:18.5] iconMerchant & MenderCentral Thanalan [X:21.3 Y:18.4] iconMerchant & MenderEastern Thanalan [X:10.8 Y:16.7] iconJunkmongerEastern Thanalan [X:13.8 Y:23.2] iconMerchant & MenderSouthern Thanalan [X:18.3 Y:12.7] iconMerchant & MenderSouthern Thanalan [X:15.9 Y:29.0] iconPienneIshgard The Pillars [X:6.6 Y:10.2] iconHyakuyakuKugane [X:12.1 Y:12.7] iconTraveling ApothecaryThe Azim Steppe [X:32.3 Y:27.8] iconPhillineThe Crystarium [X:9.8 Y:14.9] iconUnskynwybOld Sharlayan [X:4.9 Y:9.3] iconSynnoveOld Sharlayan [X:12.8 Y:10.3] iconFahruvvetRadz-at-Han [X:12.0 Y:9.7] iconResistance ProvisionerThe Bozjan Southern Front [X:14.6 Y:30.6] iconResistance ProvisionerZadnor [X:35.8 Y:34.2] iconExpedition ProvisionerEureka Anemos [X:19.0 Y:32.1] iconExpedition ProvisionerEureka Pagos [X:4.1 Y:24.3] iconExpedition ProvisionerEureka Pyros [X:16.7 Y:23.8] iconExpedition ProvisionerEureka Hydatos [X:19.8 Y:13.9] iconDarldiaEulmore - The Buttress [X:10.3 Y:12.5] iconGopluTuliyollal [X:13.1 Y:12.7]
Crafted Number
icon1Rock Salticon1Grass Viper
icon1Water Shardicon1Lightning Shard
Recipe Details
Maximum Quality150
Craftsmanship Recommended50
Quick SynthesisAvailable
Obtained from Quest
iconSeventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests - Central Shroud [X:20.2 Y:21.6]Leia's Legacy iconSeventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests - Western Thanalan [X:14.9 Y:18.9]Oh Captain, My Captain iconSeventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests - Lower La Noscea [X:24.8 Y:35.1]Victory in Peril
Included [Antidote] for Crafting Materials
iconEdible AntidoteOther > Other
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