Sassho-seki Fragment
Materials > Stone
[FF14 / FFXIV] The Database of the items - Sassho-seki Fragment (Category : Materials > Stone). How to get, Way to use, Where to gathering, Where to buy, Whitch mobs drop, or something.

Sassho-seki Fragment
Materials [Stone]

Purchase: No
Unsellable [Market Prohibited]
Literally the "killing stone," this curiosity is said to bring death to all who touch it. Handle with care.
[Yanxia 4 consecutive large FATE [Foxy Lady] success reward.]
- Ginko's More to Offer:Yanxia [ X:20, Y:7.5 ]
- Kinko's Freedom Flies:Yanxia [ X:13, Y:30 ]
- Mikuzume's Outfoxed:Yanxia [ X:31, Y:8 ] Gold rating × 1
- Foxy Lady:Yanxia [ X:16, Y:12 ] [ X:11, Y:17] [ X:24, Y:34] Gold rating × 15
Obtained from FATE

Coodinates are simply the standard. And basically, item rewards are required gold rating for obtaining.
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