Eastern La Noscea
La Noscea
[ FF14 / FFXIV ] The Map of the area - Eastern La Noscea (region : La Noscea) and information. The transfer, the place of Aetherytes, gathering locations, shops, mobs location, etc.. The database of [Eastern La Noscea].
Map Informartion - Eastern La Noscea

Eorzea Time [ET] | -- | ||
Moon Phase | -- | ||
Local Time [LT] | -- | ||
Weather Area | Past | Now | Next |
Eastern La Noscea | -- | -- | -- |
-- | -- | -- | |
-- | -- | -- |
Area Transfer
Lower La Noscea[X:26.4 Y:38.3]
Middle La Noscea[X:19.2 Y:22.4]
Upper La Noscea[X:23.0 Y:19.1]
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks[X:33.6 Y:29.3]

MIN Location
Bloodshoremining [X:29.3 Y:27.2]
Raincatcher GullyQuarrying [X:19.3 Y:33.0]
Raincatcher GullyQuarrying [X:17.5 Y:27.5]

BTN Location
BloodshoreLogging [X:27.8 Y:33.7]
Raincatcher GullyLogging [X:19.2 Y:25.5]
Raincatcher GullyLogging [X:17.1 Y:32.2]
BloodshoreLogging [X:30.6 Y:26.9]
BloodshoreHarvesting [X:26.5 Y:30.0]
Raincatcher GullyHarvesting [X:21.0 Y:29.0]
Raincatcher GullyHarvesting [X:17.5 Y:27.5]
BloodshoreHarvesting [X:27.4 Y:32.7]

FSH Location
South BloodshoreFishing [X:32.5 Y:34.3]
Costa del SolFishing [X:33.0 Y:29.3]
North BloodshoreFishing [X:32.2 Y:24.1]
Rhotano Sea (Privateer Forecastle)Fishing [X:39.4 Y:23.7]
Rhotano Sea (Privateer Sterncastle)Fishing [X:38.6 Y:24.9]
Hidden FallsFishing [X:31.1 Y:23.1]
East Agelyss RiverFishing [X:20.5 Y:25.9]
Raincatcher GullyFishing [X:20.5 Y:30.2]
The JuggernautFishing [X:16.9 Y:32.0]
Red Mantis FallsFishing [X:15.7 Y:27.4]
Isle Of Endless Summer North ShoreFishing [X:35.9 Y:26.6]

2nd Cohort Eques [X:28.6 Y:21.1 etc..]
2nd Cohort Signifer [X:28.6 Y:21.1 etc..]
2nd Cohort Hoplomachus [X:28.6 Y:21.1 etc..]
2nd Cohort Secutor [X:28.6 Y:21.1 etc..]
2nd Cohort Laquearius [X:28.6 Y:21.1 etc..]
2nd Cohort Vanguard [X:29.5 Y:20.6 etc..]
Dung Midge Swarm [X:23.3 Y:21.4 etc..]
Grass Raptor [X:23.3 Y:21.4 etc..]
Wind Sprite [X:31.4 Y:32.4 etc..]
Colibri [X:29.7 Y:24.8 etc..]
Bloodshore Bell [X:32.1 Y:25.4 etc..]
Kobold Pitman [X:28.0 Y:26.2 etc..]
Kobold Patrolman [X:28.0 Y:26.2 etc..]
Kobold Missionary [X:28.0 Y:26.2 etc..]
Large Buffalo [X:27.2 Y:32.7 etc..]
Apkallu [X:29.0 Y:35.6 etc..]
Snipper [X:31.2 Y:34.5 etc..]
Qiqirn Gullroaster [X:26.2 Y:32.7 etc..]
Giant Pelican [X:20.3 Y:31.7 etc..]
Cork Bulb [X:19.2 Y:25.4 etc..]
Goobbue [X:17.6 Y:32.7 etc..]
Gigantoad [X:19.1 Y:26.1 etc..]
Jungle Coeurl [X:18.3 Y:28.1 etc..]

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