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Matoya's Cave:Junkmonger

The Dravanian Hinterlands
[ FF14 / FFXIV ] The Shop NPC Information of Matoya's Cave:Junkmonger (area : The Dravanian Hinterlands). You could find what kind of items available (Gils or some currencies, token etc..) at the shop NPC - Matoya's Cave:Junkmonger.
Map Informartion - The Dravanian Hinterlands
The Dravanian Hinterlands Move to next area Idyllshire Move to next area Idyllshire Move to next area Coerthas Western Highlands Move to next area The Dravanian Forelands Log - Lv60 The Makers' Quarter Lv60 The Makers' Quarter Log - Lv75 The Answering Quarter Lv75 The Answering Quarter Log - Lv60 The Makers' Quarter Lv60 The Makers' Quarter Time Limited Log - Lv60 The Answering Quarter Lv60 The Answering Quarter Time Limited Log - Lv60 The Ruling Quarter Lv60 The Ruling Quarter Time Limited Log - Lv80 The Daggers Lv80 The Daggers Log - Lv75 The Makers' Quarter Lv75 The Makers' Quarter Log - Lv60 The Ruling Quarter Lv60 The Ruling Quarter Time Limited Log - Lv60 The Answering Quarter Lv60 The Answering Quarter Time Limited Log - Lv60 The Answering Quarter Lv60 The Answering Quarter Log - Lv75 Quickspill Delta Lv75 Quickspill Delta Log - Lv60 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Lv60 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Time Limited Log - Lv60 The Makers' Quarter Lv60 The Makers' Quarter Time Limited Log - Lv57 Thaliak River Lv57 Thaliak River Log - Lv58 Quickspill Delta Lv58 Quickspill Delta Log - Lv58 Upper Thaliak River Lv58 Upper Thaliak River Log - Lv60 Middle Thaliak River Lv60 Middle Thaliak River Shop Matoya's Cave:Junkmonger Mobs Position Tarantula HawkEarth Sprite Mobs Position Tarantula HawkDamselflyEspertype Magitek Vangob G-IIIGoblin TinkererGoblin GliderGoblin BrandisherGoblin Sharpshooter Mobs Position Earth SpriteCrawler Mobs Position Earth SpriteBifericeras Mobs Position WildebeestNarbrooi Mobs Position RatelCockatrice Mobs Position CockatriceOkeanisPoroggoWater SpriteSun Leech Mobs Position Orn Kite Mobs Position Sun BearGreat Morbol
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The Dravanian Hinterlands -- -- --
Shop NPC : Matoya's Cave:Junkmonger - details info.
Area[Dravania]The Dravanian Hinterlands
CoordinatesAround X:12.7 Y:35.9
NotesThe Shop located in Matoya's Cave [X6.8 Y6.1]
Items for sale
1 - 30 / total: 49
iconAdamantite Broadsword[ 19,293 Gil ] Arms > Gladiator's Arm iconAdamantite Jamadhars[ 28,480 Gil ] Arms > Pugilist's Arm iconAdamantite Claw Hammer[ 16,853 Gil ] Tools > Carpenter's Secondary Tool iconAdamantite File[ 16,410 Gil ] Tools > Blacksmith's Secondary Tool iconAdamantite Pliers[ 15,966 Gil ] Tools > Armorer's Secondary Tool iconDragonscale Grinding Wheel[ 18,627 Gil ] Tools > Goldsmith's Secondary Tool iconAdamantite Awl[ 15,966 Gil ] Tools > Leatherworker's Secondary Tool iconBirch Spinning Wheel[ 19,514 Gil ] Tools > Weaver's Secondary Tool iconAdamantite Mortar[ 18,184 Gil ] Tools > Alchemist's Secondary Tool iconAdamantite Culinary Knife[ 16,853 Gil ] Tools > Culinarian's Secondary Tool iconAdamantite Sledgehammer[ 16,410 Gil ] Tools > Miner's Secondary Tool iconAdamantite Scythe[ 16,853 Gil ] Tools > Botanist's Secondary Tool iconAdamantite Scutum[ 34,452 Gil ] Armor > Shield iconAdamantite Helm of Fending[ 25,322 Gil ] Armor > Head iconAdamantite Helm of Maiming[ 25,322 Gil ] Armor > Head iconChimerical Felt Cap of Striking[ 14,469 Gil ] Armor > Head iconChimerical Felt Cap of Scouting[ 14,469 Gil ] Armor > Head iconChimerical Felt Cap of Aiming[ 14,469 Gil ] Armor > Head iconSerpentskin Hat of Casting[ 18,087 Gil ] Armor > Head iconChimerical Felt Klobuk of Healing[ 14,469 Gil ] Armor > Head iconAdamantite Armor of Fending[ 31,351 Gil ] Armor > Body iconAdamantite Armor of Maiming[ 26,872 Gil ] Armor > Body iconChimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking[ 26,872 Gil ] Armor > Body iconChimerical Felt Cyclas of Scouting[ 26,872 Gil ] Armor > Body iconChimerical Felt Cyclas of Aiming[ 26,872 Gil ] Armor > Body iconChimerical Felt Robe of Casting[ 17,915 Gil ] Armor > Body iconChimerical Felt Alb of Healing[ 17,915 Gil ] Armor > Body iconAdamantite Gauntlets of Fending[ 22,508 Gil ] Armor > Hands iconAdamantite Gauntlets of Maiming[ 19,293 Gil ] Armor > Hands iconSerpentskin Armguards of Striking[ 16,077 Gil ] Armor > Hands
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