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Worqor Lar Dor

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Worqor Lar Dor

In the lands of Tural, there is a class of beasts which transcends the limits of the natural order─the tural vidraal. The mightiest of these, the feared and fearsome Valigarmanda, caused centuries of suffering until it was at last sealed away in the mountain fastness of Urqopacha by a young Gulool Ja Ja. Eighty years later, however, a foolish claimant in the rite of succession has seen fit to release the Skyruin from its icy prison. If you would spare Tural's people a new age of terror, then you must stand with Wuk Lamat against this flying calamity and its endless elemental fury.

Reward Items

Triple Triad Card

FFXIV Duty Finder

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