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Materials > Seafood
[FF14 / FFXIV] The Database of the items - Listracanthus (Category : Materials > Seafood). How to get, Way to use, Where to gathering or fishing, Where to buy, Whitch mobs drop, or something.
Extreme Big Fish


Materials [Seafood]
Crest Dresser Armoire
Culinarian: 490.00
Purchase: No
Sells: 119 Gil (NQ) [Market Permited]
Those fortunate enough to have seen this primitive species of shark patrolling the waters near the Isle of Ken are invariably puzzled by its flowing mane, which seems to serve no practical purpose whatsoever.
[Suitable for printing on extra large canvases.]
Location Live Info.
Eorzea Time [ET]--
Moon Phase--
Local Time [LT]--
Weather AreaPastNowNext
Lakeland -- -- --
Fishing Information
FolkloreiconTome of Ichthyological Folklore - Norvrandt
Fish TypeBig Fish (Extreme)
Required Gathering2250
Fishing Timertime and weather--
  • iconFog
  • iconClear Skies (Previous) iconFair Skies (Previous)
MoochiconThe Jaws of Undeath
How to fish iconListracanthus
iconListracanthus has weather [Fog after Clear or Fair Skies] and time [ET16-24] restriction for fishing, and can be fished by mooching iconThe Jaws of Undeath (big fish too).
Listracanthus- Series of fishing
Mooching iconThe Jaws of Undeath must be hit iconListracanthus, but it's kinds of hard to fish iconThe Jaws of Undeath. You can tell iconThe Jaws of Undeath's hits by usuing Surface Slap to iconVicejaw.
Angler's CanvasExtra Large
AquariumsNot available
*Baits above are just recommendatins, except of big fish, and Legendary Fish in ocean fishing.
Gathering Location
レイクランド エーテライト - Aetheryte エーテライト - Aetheryte The Isle of Ken
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FFXIV / FF14 Eorzea Database - Convenient Item Search DB
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