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East Shroud

The Black Shroud
[ FF14 / FFXIV ] The Map of the area - East Shroud (region : The Black Shroud) and information. The transfer, the place of Aetherytes, gathering locations, shops, mobs location, etc.. The database of [East Shroud].
Map Informartion - East Shroud
East Shroud Aetheryte Aetheryte Move to next area Central Shroud Move to next area South Shroud Move to next area The Fringes Move to next area Old Gridania Log - Lv30 Nine Ivies Lv30 Nine Ivies Log - Lv50 The Bramble Patch Lv50 The Bramble Patch Log - Lv20 Nine Ivies Lv20 Nine Ivies Log - Lv50 The Bramble Patch Lv50 The Bramble Patch Log - Lv20 Nine Ivies Lv20 Nine Ivies Log - Lv50 ナインアイビー Lv50 ナインアイビー Time Limited Log - Lv50 The Bramble Patch Lv50 The Bramble Patch Time Limited Log - Lv50 The Honey Yard Lv50 The Honey Yard Time Limited Log - Lv50 Nine Ivies Lv50 Nine Ivies Time Limited Log - Lv15 Sweetbloom Pier Lv15 Sweetbloom Pier Log - Lv20 Sanctum of the Twelve Lv20 Sanctum of the Twelve Log - Lv25 Verdant Drop Lv25 Verdant Drop Log - Lv15 Springripple Brook Lv15 Springripple Brook Log - Lv45 Sylphlands Lv45 Sylphlands Shop Merchant & Mender Shop Merchant & Mender Shop Encampment Clothier & TailorSylphic Vendor Shop Merchant & Mender Mobs Position Northern VultureHornet SwarmTreant SaplingWild HogletMandragoraGoblin HunterTree Slug Mobs Position Boring WeevilZiz GorlinLemurFaerie FunguarBoar PoacherWolf PoacherRaptor PoacherGiant GnatGall GnatOvergrown Lvy Mobs Position Wild BoarBlack BatDiseased TreantJumping DjiggaSwollen DjiggaGlowflySylvan SoughSylvan GroanSylvan Scream Mobs Position BanestoolOchuMolted ZizSylvan SighSylvan SnarlSylvan ScreechMorbolOld-growth Treant Mobs Position 3rd Cohort Hoplomachus3rd Cohort Laquearius3rd Cohort Eques3rd Cohort Secutor3rd Cohort Signifer Mobs Position Violet SighViolet SnarlViolet ScreechSylphlands SentinelGiant BanestoolMilkroot SaplingMilkroot ClusterSylph BonnetWind Sprite Mobs Position Sylpheed SighSylpheed SnarlSylpheed ScreechGreater BanestoolDreamtoadSylphlands Condor
Eorzea Time [ET]--
Moon PhaseWaning Half Moon (3rd day)
Local Time [LT]--
Weather AreaPastNowNext
East Shroud -- -- --
Mob iconOdin [X:26.9 Y:21.8 etc..] iconNorthern Vulture [X:14.3 Y:27.3 etc..] iconHornet Swarm [X:14.4 Y:26.6 etc..] iconTreant Sapling [X:13.0 Y:25.5 etc..] iconWild Hoglet [X:12.6 Y:24.6 etc..] iconMandragora [X:14.1 Y:25.6 etc..] iconGoblin Hunter [X:13.5 Y:27.5 etc..] iconTree Slug [X:12.8 Y:26.0 etc..] iconBoring Weevil [X:16.9 Y:25.8 etc..] iconZiz Gorlin [X:20.7 Y:25.9 etc..] iconLemur [X:14.9 Y:27.9 etc..] iconFaerie Funguar [X:18.9 Y:28.5 etc..] iconBoar Poacher [X:19.7 Y:30.1 etc..] iconWolf Poacher [X:19.7 Y:30.1 etc..] iconRaptor Poacher [X:19.7 Y:30.1 etc..] iconGiant Gnat [X:19.2 Y:27.4 etc..] iconGall Gnat [X:22.2 Y:30.8 etc..] iconOvergrown Lvy [X:23.4 Y:29.5 etc..] iconWild Boar [X:17.5 Y:23.7 etc..] iconBlack Bat [X:17.5 Y:23.7 etc..] iconDiseased Treant [X:17.3 Y:22.7 etc..] iconJumping Djigga [X:15.6 Y:20.8 etc..] iconSwollen Djigga [X:15.6 Y:20.8 etc..] iconGlowfly [X:15.9 Y:20.8 etc..] iconSylvan Sough [X:19.1 Y:21.6 etc..] iconSylvan Groan [X:19.1 Y:21.6 etc..] iconSylvan Scream [X:19.1 Y:21.6 etc..] iconBanestool [X:26.0 Y:21.0 etc..] iconOchu [X:26.0 Y:21.0 etc..] iconMolted Ziz [X:26.4 Y:24.1 etc..] iconSylvan Sigh [X:23.5 Y:20.9 etc..] iconSylvan Snarl [X:23.5 Y:20.9 etc..] iconSylvan Screech [X:23.5 Y:20.9 etc..] iconMorbol [X:23.5 Y:20.9 etc..] iconOld-growth Treant [X:27.1 Y:22.1 etc..] icon3rd Cohort Hoplomachus [X:28.8 Y:20.7 etc..] icon3rd Cohort Laquearius [X:28.8 Y:20.7 etc..] icon3rd Cohort Eques [X:28.8 Y:20.7 etc..] icon3rd Cohort Secutor [X:32.6 Y:20.6 etc..] icon3rd Cohort Signifer [X:32.6 Y:20.6 etc..] iconViolet Sigh [X:25.0 Y:12.4 etc..] iconViolet Snarl [X:25.0 Y:12.4 etc..] iconViolet Screech [X:24.7 Y:12.1 etc..] iconSylphlands Sentinel [X:24.5 Y:11.6 etc..] iconGiant Banestool [X:26.1 Y:13.4 etc..] iconMilkroot Sapling [X:23.8 Y:14.6 etc..] iconMilkroot Cluster [X:24.0 Y:16.9 etc..] iconSylpheed Sigh [X:29.0 Y:12.3 etc..] iconSylpheed Snarl [X:29.0 Y:12.3 etc..] iconSylpheed Screech [X:32.1 Y:14.6 etc..] iconGreater Banestool [X:28.5 Y:16.3 etc..] iconDreamtoad [X:28.0 Y:18.1 etc..] iconSylphlands Condor [X:28.6 Y:17.0 etc..] iconSylph Bonnet [X:26.0 Y:13.3 etc..] iconWind Sprite [X:21.2 Y:21.4 etc..]
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