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Merchant & Mender

Yak T'el
[ FF14 / FFXIV ] The Shop NPC Information of Merchant & Mender (area : Yak T'el). You could find what kind of items available (Gils or some currencies, token etc..) at the shop NPC - Merchant & Mender.
Eorzea Time [ET]--
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Yak T'el -- -- --
Shop NPC : Merchant & Mender - details info.
Area[Yok Tural]Yak T'el
CoordinatesAround X:34.0 Y:31.8
Items for sale
1 - 30 / total: 108
iconCobalt Tungsten Scimitar[ 34,575 Gil ] Arms > Gladiator's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Axe[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Marauder's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Guillotine[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Dark Knight's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Sawback[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Gunbreaker's Arm iconDark Mahogany Spear[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Lancer's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten War Scythe[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Reaper's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Knuckles[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Pugilist's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Blade[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Samurai's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Khukuri[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Rogue's Arm iconDark Mahogany Longbow[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Archer's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Handgonne[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Machinist's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Glaives[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Dancer's Arm iconDark Mahogany Rod[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm iconBr'aaxskin Grimoire[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Arcanist's Grimoire iconCobalt Tungsten Tuck[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Red Mage's Arm iconDark Mahogany Cane[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Two-handed Conjurer's Arm iconBr'aaxskin Codex[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Scholar's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Planisphere[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Astrologian's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Pendulums[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Sage's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Diamondbacks[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Viper's Arm iconDark Mahogany Round Brush[ 51,862 Gil ] Arms > Pictomancer's Arm iconCobalt Tungsten Saw[ 51,743 Gil ] Tools > Carpenter's Primary Tool iconCobalt Tungsten Claw Hammer[ 51,743 Gil ] Tools > Carpenter's Secondary Tool iconCobalt Tungsten Cross-pein Hammer[ 51,743 Gil ] Tools > Blacksmith's Primary Tool iconCobalt Tungsten File[ 51,743 Gil ] Tools > Blacksmith's Secondary Tool iconCobalt Tungsten Raising Hammer[ 51,743 Gil ] Tools > Armorer's Primary Tool iconCobalt Tungsten Pliers[ 51,743 Gil ] Tools > Armorer's Secondary Tool iconCobalt Tungsten Lapidary Hammer[ 51,743 Gil ] Tools > Goldsmith's Primary Tool iconDark Mahogany Grinding Wheel[ 51,743 Gil ] Tools > Goldsmith's Secondary Tool iconCobalt Tungsten Creasing Knife[ 51,743 Gil ] Tools > Leatherworker's Primary Tool
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