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Castaway Chocobo Chick

Other > Minion
[FF14 / FFXIV] The Database of the items - Castaway Chocobo Chick (Category : Other > Minion). How to get, Way to use, Where to gathering, Where to buy, Whitch mobs drop, or something.
Castaway Chocobo Chick

Castaway Chocobo Chick

Other [Minion]
Crest Dresser Armoire
Purchase: No
Sells: 60 Gil (NQ) [Market Permited]
Currently without a name. "Wilson" recommended.
Use item to acquire the castaway chocobo chick minion.
[Suitable for printing on small canvases.]
Location Live Info.
Eorzea Time [ET]--
Moon Phase--
Local Time [LT]--
Weather AreaPastNowNext
Eastern La Noscea -- -- --
Fishing Information
CathingiconPowerful Hookset
Fishing Timertime and weather--
WeatherAll weather
Versatile LureNo
How to fish iconCastaway Chocobo Chick
iconCastaway Chocobo Chick an be fished by 2 chained mooch: 1st iconMerlthor Goby, 2nd. iconWahoo, and iconCastaway Chocobo Chick caught. The bait for iconMerlthor Goby recommended iconLugworm.
Castaway Chocobo Chick- Series of fishing
iconLugworm must hit iconMerlthor Goby, and mooching iconMerlthor Goby must hit iconWahoo. But Mooching iconWahoo can fish not only iconCastaway Chocobo Chick, but also iconGiant Squid and iconMegalodon.
Angler's CanvasSmall
AquariumsNot available
*Baits above are just recommendatins, except of big fish, and Legendary Fish in ocean fishing.
Gathering Location
東ラノシア エーテライト - Aetheryte エーテライト - Aetheryte Isle Of Endless Summer North Shore
Acquired From (Random)
iconGold-haloed SackOther > Miscellany iconMateriel Container 4.0Other > Miscellany
Achieving items may be required wining related challenges or something.
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